Posts written by Austin 3:17

CAT_IMG Posted: 8/7/2013, 05:47     Fourth Match: Chris Hero vs Davey Richards - WWE RAW [IRP]
»Matt Striker: Ya tenemos al señor Davey Richards sobre el cuadrilátero, solo estamos a la espera del arribo del que será su oponente está noche, se trata de Chris Hero, ¡creo que saldrá una excelente lucha de aquí! Solo espero que el rubio se encuentre al 100% de su capacidad, ya que hace una semana tuvo una dura lucha en contra de Daniel Bryan en la cual uno de sus brazos no salio tan bien librado.

»Todd Grisham: Estoy seguro de que si, ese hombre esta echo para las batallas difíciles, y tendrá otra más con el ya mencionado Richards, ¡Y este ni siquiera será el plato fuerte! Aún le seguirá una lucha más, la cual será entre los ultraviolentos Jimmy Jacobs y MASADA, aunque claro, eso no quiere decir que esta lucha vaya a ser menos buena, de echo creo que mis expectativas están bastantes altas al respecto.



» Bobby Cruise: Introducing Next, From Metrópolis, Weighting 225 Pounds and Height 6,5 Foots, "That Young Knockout Kid" ¡¡¡Chris... Heeeeeeero!!!


»Matt Striker: Créeme que también las mías Todd, pero no hay que confiarnos, mejor solo hay que esperar a que esto de inicio y disfrutar del espectáculo. La música del héroe empieza a sonar ¡ah! Christopher no podría tener mejor tema que ese, ¡Y Texas responde muy bien a él! That Young Knockout Kid sale de debajo del Titantron y San Antonio se le entrega, el héroe tiene excelente conexión con el público desde su regreso.

»Todd Grisham: ¡Y como no! Si en ese primer combate que le vimos dio todo de él, y estoy seguro que hoy se repetirá la historia, aunque respecto a quien saldrá ganador, será algo tan indescifrable como la última vez, los dos son tremendos luchadores y tienen un estilo propio inigualable, aunque, claro está, yo me inclino un poco más por el de Christopher, ¿qué me dices tú Matt?


»Matt Striker: Que conociendo al lobo americano, estoy seguro que te podría dar una gran sorpresa e inclusive hacerte cambiar de opinión, bueno lo dejo en manos de él y de Hero, ya que dependerá de como se desempañen ambos sobre el rombo de batalla. Finalmente el rubio hace ingreso a él y observa a su oponente, ¡el ring estará que saca chispas! Lo cual no le vendría nada mal a WWE[IRP].

»Todd Grisham: Recién estamos haciendo el intento de salir a flote, y entre más luchas geniales tengamos, ¡más rápido resurgirá está cosa! Bueno, ahora solo nos resta esperar a que el referee de sus indicaciones a los gladiadores y mande a sonar la campana para pasar a nuestra parte favorita que son los golpes. No se despeguen de sus pantallas, ¡porque a este RAW edición 157 aún tiene mucho que ofrecernos!


CAT_IMG Posted: 6/7/2013, 23:38     Que Cancion Escuchas Justo Ahora...? - Música
Mother's Little Helper - The Rolling Stones
CAT_IMG Posted: 6/7/2013, 23:29     First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]
»Matt Striker: ¡Hero se encuentra a nada de gritar me rindo! Además de que esa dormilona estilo dragón está haciendo eficazmente su trabajo, también el daño que ha recibido Christopher en su brazo ha sido demasiado a considerar, creo que más bien por la seguridad de su extremidad debería de tirar la toalla en esto momento, ya que inclusive podría correr el riesgo de lesionarse.

»Todd Grisham: Creo que olvidas que Daniel se encuentra en una situación similar por su pierna Matt, es solo que por estos minutos el héroe no ha tenido oportunidad siquiera de defenderse. El Dragón sigue apretando muy bien la llave, pero ante la negativa de su oponente a rendirse, lo libera de la dormilona, pero por supuesto, sus brazos aún los tiene muy bien sujetados.

»Matt Striker: El rubio consigue escurrir su brazo más sano y aprovecha ese pequeño segundo valioso para derribar al de Washington, rápidamente lo toma por una de sus piernas y empieza a aplicarle un medio cangrejo de Boston, el cual transiciona a una cruceta para sus piernas. Ahí tienes la situación similar, o más bien igual, de la que hablabas Todd.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Escape from Armlock followed by Single Leg Boston Crab into Double Leg Stretch772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Aunque ahora lo deja libre para descansar un par de segundos su maltrecho brazo. Mientras tanto Daniel se reincorpora con ayuda de las cuerdas, el rubio lo toma por la mano y lo manda a las otras cuerdas, Bryan corre con dificultad pero al igual que el papito de los cravates se consiguen evadir, ¡pero finalmente Hero lo manda a volar con una catapulta!

»Matt Striker: Y para su mala fortuna, Daniel cayó sobre su pierna lastimada, bueno, mala para él, porque ahora Christopher aprovecha el momento y sin dejar que siquiera se ponga de pie correctamente, lo toma por la pierna y lo derriba, y ahora le hace un par de torniquetes a la pierna para dejar caer inmediatamente su humanidad sobre la extremidad del Dragón.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Back Body Drop + Leg Takedown + Leg Twist followed by Leg Breaker x2 + Indian Death Lock with Hit and Chop + Cravate into Snapmare + Hook to Legs like a Cloverleaf772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: El héroe sigue sin soltar las piernas de Bryan, empiezo a creer que se enamoro de ellas, pero ahora las usa para hacer sufrir al de Washington con un Indian Deathlock, ¡Daniel busca desesperadamente liberarse golpeando a Hero! Pero este solo lo devuelve a la lona con un golpe y un machetazo al pecho, aunque decide liberarlo por cuenta propia por enésima vez.

»Matt Striker: Christopher lo levanta y lo toma por primera ocasión en el combate con su ya característico cravate, pero lo manda a la lona con una yegüita, ¡y con toda la mala intensión hace que la pierna maltrecha de Daniel impacte con el esquinero! Ahora lo arrastra hasta el ojo del huracán y hace una nueva cruceta con sus piernas al más puro estilo de la hoja de trébol, ¡el héroe se niega a perder!
CAT_IMG Posted: 5/7/2013, 18:44     RAW #157 - Carteleras [IRP]
Suerte para mis oponentes y para los demás :I
CAT_IMG Posted: 5/7/2013, 18:41     ¿AMERICAN WOLVES A WWE? - WWE en General
Poco a poco la WWE se va llenando de más indies, espero que si no todos, al menos a la mayoría les vaya bien.
CAT_IMG Posted: 5/7/2013, 18:34     First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]


»Matt Striker: ¡Es que este Daniel Bryan no tiene llenadero cuando se trata del sufrimiento de sus oponentes! Tan solo vimos como asesto patada tras patada sin cansancio alguno al ya más que magullado brazo de Hero, lo cual por cierto, hizo como si ningún daño le hubiera sido infringido a su pierna ¿se tratara acaso del fin de rubio oriundo de Ohio?

»Todd Grisham: Ya debes saber mi respuesta a eso Matt, creo que el héroe nos dará más de sus sorpresas en cualquier momento, solo dale tiempo... Lo cual creo que no hará el de Washington, quien creo que planea seguir atacando el brazo de That Young Knockout Kid, quien solo razona a empujarlo, esto no le gusta nada a su oponente quien se lo busca regresar con una patada más.

»Matt Striker: Christopher logra capturar su pie, ¡y lo manda a la lona con un látigo tornillo estilo dragón para el propio Dragón! Pues creo que tenías razón Todd, solo que en lugar de que Hero este dominando, ahora ambos están en la lona, cada uno doliendose de sus distintas extremidades afectadas, ahora esto quizá se trate de quien consiga reincorporarse primero.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Dragon Screw Leg Whip772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Después de todo ese Daniel no andaba bien de su pierna, pero el rubio tampoco se encuentra en una situación mejor. Pese a eso se consigue poner de pie primero como el héroe que es, y ya que sabe que ahora cualquier segundo vale oro puro, va hacia donde Bryan y lo toma por su talón de Aquiles que resulta ser ahora su pierna y lo lleva al centro del cuadrilátero.

»Matt Striker: ¿Qué mejor lugar para aplicarle una Figura cuatro? Bueno no, cambio de opinión de último momento y ahora lo tiene en un candado para sus dos piernas, ¡el de Washington grita, pero el rubio se niega a ceder! Nuevamente se me adelanto el papito de los Cravates, porque si lo libero, ¡pero aún no suelta su pierna! Creo que busca una muy buena venganza por su brazo.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Double Leg Lock + Leg Breaker into a Leg Lock + Leg Smash772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: ¡Que fea forma de dejarse sobre la pierna del Dragón! A quien no se le acaba el sufrimiento ya que está envuelto en otro candado para su extremidad, el cual tampoco dura mucho, ya que el héroe una vez más lo deja en libertad, pero esta vez Daniel se agazapa e intenta evadir otra llave ¡Demasiado tarde! Christopher lo volvió a capturar, ¡y lo azota contra la lona! Aún inutilizado del brazo, Hero busca que la cosa este pareja.
CAT_IMG Posted: 4/7/2013, 23:39     First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]
»Matt Striker: ¡Que fea caída acaba de sufrir Hero! Sin duda creo que la táctica de Daniel Bryan es más que visible para todos, ¿Acaso Christopher podrá hacerse con la victoria ahora que el uso de sus brazos será limitado? Por ahora eso lo creo difícil por la dura manera en que ahora esta siendo dominado por el Dragón Americano, que ahora no hace más que pisotear la humanidad del héroe.

»Todd Grisham: Sigo creyendo que en cuestión de un par de minutos o segundos el rubio volverá a lo que sabe hacer. Mientras, ahora parece que el de Washington será quien lleve las cosas a un ángulo más alto, pero por otro lado, That Young Knockout Kid se empieza a reincorporar rápidamente como puede, para ir hacia donde Daniel se encuentra, ¿¡quien logrará su cometido primero!?

»Matt Striker: ¡Y el de la Metrópolis le asesta unas patadas voladoras a Bryan que lo derriban del rascacielos! ¡¡ooh!! ¡Pero su pierna quedo feamente atorada en las cuerdas! El Dragón se sostiene como encuentra manera para evitar azotar también contra el suelo, mientras que el dueño del Hero's Welcome aún doliéndose de su brazo se levanta, y como que esa cara que esta haciendo al ver a Bryan no me está gustando.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Dropkicks with opponent on the Top Ropes and Produce Leg Breaker with Top Rope + Enzuigiri Kick to the Leg772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Christopher se acerca a donde se encuentra martirizado su rival, ¡y como si no fuera suficiente le mete una buena patada a su pierna! Pero el llamado mejor del mundo se niega a caer contra el suelo. Hero decide ayudarlo, pero no lo quita de su posición del todo, ya que ahora lo engancha boca abajo en el esquinero en un árbol del dolor, y le mete un par de pisotones a la cabeza.

»Matt Striker: Empiezo a amar aún más nuestro trabajo de comentaristas Todd, no me gustaría estar en el lugar de ninguno de esos dos, ya que al héroe también le costo su trabajo cambiar de posición al Dragón por su brazo, pero ahora se le ve inspirado, porque va hacia el otro lado del charco, en este caso el cuadrilátero, a muy probablemente tomar vuelo.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Stomp to the Head x2 + Running Dropkicks to the Leg to the oponnent in a Tree of Woe position772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: ¡Y el héroe vuela con otras patadas para la pierna del Dragón! Quien solo se duele desde ahí, ya que no se consigue liberar. Creo que ahora las cosas están mucho más parejas, así que seguiremos sin saber quien podría salir como ganador de aquí, mientras tanto ahora lo único que hace el rubio es sonreirle al oriundo de Washington desde donde se encuentra.
CAT_IMG Posted: 4/7/2013, 03:18     First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]


»Matt Striker: Y tal y como dijeras hace no mucho tiempo Todd, el dominio de Hero fue más bien fugaz, mira ahora como Daniel lo tiene bien sujeto con esa bien aplicada camisa de fuerza con la cual tiene a Christopher a sus pies. Estamos teniendo un inicio más bien técnico por parte de estos dos, así que no sé si aún deba preguntarte esto pero, ¿Ya listo para las apuestas mi querido Todd?

»Todd Grisham: ¡Vamos Matt! Recién estamos regresando a comentar las luchas de WWE[IRP] ¿Y ya quieres perder tu primer sueldo? Por esta sola ocasión dejemoslo así, ya habrá otros shows en los cuales te pueda dejar en ridículo. Mientras tanto el rubio empieza a hacer un gran esfuerzo, pero por ahora no para librarse de este candado, sino solo para volver a ponerse de pie.

»Matt Striker: ¿No querrás que te recuerde que hace tan solo unos meses estaba recibiendo billetes tuyos por esa carrera de caballos o sí? El héroe de la Metrópolis finalmente consigue reincorporarse y consigue rebotar a Bryan contra las cuerdas, ¡y lo derriba para liberarse! Y ahora le da una cucharada de su propia medicina aprisionándolo entre sus propios brazos cual lunático.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Escape from Straight Jacket Hold with Takedown followed by Straight Jacket Hold into Straight Jacket Surfboard772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Pero ahora es el hombre del sí quien se reincorpora, pero a diferencia de hace unos momentos, That Young Knockout Kid consigue dominar la situación y lo vuelve a hincar, pero esta vez no sé conforma, ¡oh pero que hace! Si no era suficiente la camisa de fuerza ahora también a convertido al Dragón Americano en su tablita de surf, ¡Que maniobra!.

»Matt Striker: Claro, ahora haces como si no te hubiera dicho nada, típico de ti Todd. Christopher decide liberar al proveniente de Washington, que aún se duele de su espalda y sus extremidades superiores, mientras que Hero lo arrastra hasta el centro del ring y se monta en él, ¡ahora le aplica la de a camello! Excelente llaveo estamos presenciando señores.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Camel Clutch into Chinlock Camel Clutch772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: ¡Tan solo mira el arco que se forma con la espalda del pobre de Daniel! Y creo que para su mala suerte esta vez el héroe viene muy imaginativo, porque lo suelta del típico agarre y ahora lo toma con un candado a la mandíbula. Gente de Memphis, Tennessee, esto ya no es sorpresa pero, ¡estamos teniendo un magnífico inicio de show!
CAT_IMG Posted: 3/7/2013, 07:46     "Chris Benoit tenía un serio problema de drogas y esteroides." - WWE en General
Siempre me resultará una pena ver noticias al respecto de esto, creo yo que sería mejor que los medios dejaran enterrado completamente el tema.
CAT_IMG Posted: 3/7/2013, 02:23     First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]


»Matt Striker: ¡No creo necesario decir lo hermoso que es ese sonido! Da inicio este combate mano a mano entre Chris Hero y Daniel Bryan señores, y dado que ambos personajes recién hacen su ingreso a WWE[IRP] me reservo mis pronósticos sobre la lucha, pero a pesar de ello no sé porque es que tengo esta sensación de que tendremos al menos un buen combate.

»Todd Grisham: ¡Dios te escuche Matt! Porque eso es lo que todos queremos ver. Ambos gladiadores se acercan al centro del ring, cazadose el uno al otro y buscando el momento propicio para empezar ¡Que es ahora! Finalmente inician con la clásica toma de referee en la cual ninguno domina, están parejos dentro del forcejeo. Daniel se logra escurrir como sanguijuela y le asesta una patada al pecho al héroe.

»Matt Striker: Christopher solo consigue responder empujando a Bryan hacia el esquinero, pero tal parece que The American Dragon viene con demasiadas ganas y ansias de victoria, porque inmediatamente y sin perder un solo segundo, se dirige encarrerado hacia Hero, quien consigue pescarlo por el brazo justo a tiempo y mandarlo a la lona.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Sit-out Arm Drag772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Pues no sé tú Matt, pero aunque este combate no lleve un minuto siquiera, presiento que That Young Knockout Kid será quien consiga salir de aquí como vencedor, claro está, que por hacer predicciones tan prontas me equivoque fácilmente, y por eso mismo es que por esta ocasión no aceptaré apuesta alguna, aunque estoy seguro de que ganaría como suelo hacer.

»Matt Striker: Yo no estaría tan seguro Todd, se ve que Daniel piensa dar todo lo que tiene esta noche, aunque creo que el rubio de Dayton, Ohio se lo querrá impedir, tal y como hace ahora, ya que lo levanta, solo para rápidamente regresarlo a la lona con una yegüita, para ahora lanzar su propia humanidad sobre el cuerpo de Bryan, que empieza el combate siendo dominado.

772beqw4mztnciv91ikh»¡Snapmare + Jumping Senton772beqw4mztnciv91ikh

»Todd Grisham: Pero claro que como hemos presenciado en infinitos combates a lo largo de nuestra existencia como comentaristas, tenemos más que claro que como en el 90% de las ocasiones será solo momentáneo, a menos que Hero no le de tiempo al Dragón siquiera de respirar, ya veremos como transcurren las cosas. Mientras tanto regresemos al cuadrilátero, a observar lo que ocurre.
CAT_IMG Posted: 1/7/2013, 20:20     +1First Match: Chris Hero vs Daniel Bryan - WWE RAW [IRP]


»Matt Striker: ¡Y damos inicio a está edición número ciento cincuenta y seis de RAW! Que bueno... Será más bien algo más corta de lo común, y no es para menos, WWE[IRP] está hoy por hoy en una situación un tanto por debajo de lo normal, pero estoy totalmente seguro de que conseguirá como siempre, salir de este hoyo. Respecto a los combates, bueno, tanto el primero como el segundo son de debutantes, pero nos aseguraron que habría algún regreso por ahí.

»Todd Grisham: Pero claro, con tantos y numerosos luchadores que han pasado por las filas de está empresa es difícil poder adivinar de quien se tratara, mejor esperemos a que salga el primer hombre caminando hacia ese ring y conforme avance la noche sabremos de quien se trata. Empieza a sonar una música al fondo, parece que ese momento será en breve, ¡Oh! ¡Pero mira el Titantron! ¿Acaso Chris Hero hizo su regreso a WWE [IRP]?



» Bobby Cruise: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Following contest is a Single Match, Introducing First, Making his way to the ring, From Metrópolis, Weighting 225 Pounds and Height 6,5 Foots, "That Young Knockout Kid" ¡¡¡Chris... Heeeeeeero!!!


»Matt Striker: ¡Y si! That Young Knockout Kid hace su aparición debajo del Titantron con su indumentaria en una gran combinación con los colores purpura y verde, ¡aaah! Debo decir que me encanta este traje del héroe, pero bueno, dejaré de hablar de su ropa, ya que esto se trata de lucha y de nada más, ¡ah por supuesto! También de los fans, claro, ellos son lo más importante en esto, y justamente ellos se le están entregando a Christopher en estos precisos momentos.

»Todd Grisham: Tal pareciera que fue el día de ayer la última vez que combatió Hero como luchador de esta empresa, pero no es el caso, ya tenía su tiempo fuera de aquí, ¡Pero ya esta devuelta aquí! Y se enfrentará contra un nuevo Daniel Bryan, espero en verdad que podamos presenciar una gran lucha por parte de estos dos, para irnos adentrando y continuar con los siguientes combates que se darán esta velada en el FedEx Forum.


»Matt Striker: Estoy totalmente seguro de que así será, ya que si ahora no contamos con un roster grande, si tenemos a luchadores de basta calidad, que estoy seguro que dejaran el alma en la lona si es necesario con tal de dar a los fanáticos que hoy están aquí y al resto del mundo lo que vienen a buscar con nosotros... Buen wrestling y nada más, ¡Y el cual yo también estoy ansioso de poder ver!

»Todd Grisham: Calma esas aguas Matt, porque no faltan más que un par de minutos para comenzar con los golpes, ya que tanto la música como el Titantron del rubio proveniente de Ohio se detienen, y solo es cuestión de tiempo para que aparezcan los que pertenecen a Daniel Bryan, mientras tanto tendremos que esperar, pero no somos los únicos impacientes, ¡Vean tan solo los rostros de los fans! ¡Y del mismo Hero! ¡Memphis siente la emoción!


Suerte :I
CAT_IMG Posted: 24/6/2013, 22:36     +2Hero again - WWE IRP: Zona de Contratos
»Ring name(s): Chris Hero, Wife Beater.
»Billed Height: 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m.)
»Billed Weight: 225 lb (102 kg.)
»Born: December 24, 1979 (age 33)
»Place of birth: Dayton, Ohio.
»Billed from: Metrópolis.
»Trained by: Dory Funk, Jr., Ian Rotten, Les Thatcher, Tracy Smothers, Dave Taylor, Fit Finlay, William Regal, Skayde, Johnny Saint, Pro Wrestling Noah dojo, Marshall Kauffman (boxing).
»Debut: September 12, 1998

Chris Spradlin (born December 24, 1979) is an American professional wrestler, better known by his ring name Chris Hero. He is a mainstay of many independent wrestling promotions, including Ring of Honor, and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla as well as Pro Wrestling Noah in Japan. He is also known from his time in Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South, Combat Zone Wrestling and Chikara, where he was the co-head trainer of the Chikara Wrestle Factory. Hero is also a former three-time world champion having held the CZW World Heavyweight Championship, the PWG World Championship and the wXw World Heavyweight Championship.

Professional wrestling career

Early career and training

After graduating from Northmont High School in Clayton, Ohio, Spradlin decided to train as a professional wrestler in the summer of 1998. After undergoing some initial training in Middletown, Ohio, Spradlin debuted on September 12, 1998 in Xenia, Ohio wrestling Shawn "HeartThrob" Halsey in the Unified Championship Wrestling promotion. Spradlin's initial training in Middletown was under the supervision of a small time promoter named Gary Goffinet. Spradlin trained for a little while alongside his friend, Adam Ghazee, under a wrestler by the name of Bo Dacious. Bo had trained previously under Charlie Fulton at the Monster Factory. At the suggestion of Matt Stryker, Spradlin underwent further training at Les Thatcher's Cincinnati-based HWA Main Event Wrestling Camp between May 1999 and November 1999. In December 1999, he traveled to Ocala, Florida to train under Dory Funk, Jr. at the Funkin' Conservatory professional wrestling school.
As Spradlin wrestled wearing a "wifebeater" T-shirt, he began using the ring name "Wife Beater". He continued to use the Wife Beater character until a women's group, offended by the gimmick, organized a boycott of a show on which Spradlin was wrestling in Platteville, Wisconsin. The character was discussed on the talk show Politically Incorrect, although Spradlin was not mentioned by name. After Spradlin was booked for a series of family-friendly shows for NWA West Virginia / Ohio, he changed his ring name to "Chris Hero". He wrestled his last matches as Wife Beater in 2000.
In 2000, Hero began working for the Indiana-based Independent Wrestling Association Mid South, where he received supplementary training from Ian Rotten. In the following years, Chris spent a great deal of time working with Tracy Smothers on IWA Mid-South shows and he credits Smothers with being a mentor of his. In October 2002, Hero attended the Blue Bloods Wrestling Camp, operated by English wrestlers Dave Taylor, William Regal and Northern Irish wrestler Dave Finlay. In July 2003, Chikara brought in Skayde from Último Dragón's Toryumon Gym in Mexico City to teach some special lucha libre clinics. Hero took part in the training sessions and was able to add an entirely new style to his repertoire. He attended Skayde sessions in Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Mexico City between 2003 and 2006.

Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South (2000–2007)

Hero debuted for IWA Mid-South on July 1, 2000, in a losing attempt versus Harry Palmer. In his first year in the promotion, he won the annual Sweet Science 16 tournament (now known as the Ted Petty Invitational or TPI), defeating four other wrestlers in the process (Colt Cabana, American Kickboxer, Ace Steel and Harry Palmer), and unsuccessfully challenged Sabu for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Bloodfeast 2000. Hero engaged in feuds with the Suicide Kid, American Kickboxer, Mark Wolf and the Rugby Thug.
On October 20, 2001 in Charlestown, Indiana, Hero won the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship from the Trent Baker. He held the title until December 5 of that year, when he lost to CM Punk. He regained the title on July 12, 2002, in Clarksville, Indiana, defeating Colt Cabana, and lost it to M-Dogg 20 three months later on October 5 in Clarksville. He won the title for a third time on February 7, 2003, in Clarksville, pinning CM Punk in a match that lasted over ninety minutes. His third reign lasted until June 7, when he lost to Mark Wolf. Hero regained the title in a match with Danny Daniels on July 12, 2003, after Mark Wolf had vacated the title. Hero lost it for a fourth and final time to Danny Daniels less than a month later on August 2.
During the fall of 2005, Hero and Arik Cannon continued their feud that had started years before in IWA-MS. At the end of it, Hero became a villain after being eliminated by Cannon in the third round of the 2005 TPI. He later turned his back on Rotten, his trainees Trik Davis, Mickie Knuckles, Bryce Remsburg and everyone else that had befriended him. Hero has since destroyed the IWA Mid South Heavyweight title belt. At the end of 2005, he won the third annual Revolution Strong Style Tournament, defeating Necro Butcher in the finals.

CHIKARA (2002-2007)

On May 25, 2002, at Chikara's inaugural event, Hero teamed with CM Punk and Colt Cabana, calling themselves the Gold Bond Mafia, in a losing effort against The Black T-Shirt Squad of Reckless Youth, Mike Quackenbush and Don Montoya. In July 2003, the team of Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush, the "SuperFriends", was formed. The SuperFriends defeated Toryumon representatives Skayde and Koichiro Arai in the first round of the 2003 Tag World Grand Prix, then wrestled Swi$$ Money Holding (Claudio Castagnoli and Ares) to a 30 minute time limit draw, eliminating both teams from the tournament. In July 2004, Hero moved to Pennsylvania to work alongside Mike Quackenbush at the Chikara Wrestle Factory. In April 2005, the school moved from Allentown, Pennsylvania to the former ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The school was renamed the CZW / Chikara Wrestle Factory and became operated by Quackenbush, Hero and Jorge "Skayde" Rivera. In February 2005, the SuperFriends made it to the finals of Chikara's three day, thirty-two team tournament, the Tag World Grand Prix. Late in the match, Hero turned on Quackenbush and formed an alliance with Claudio Castagnoli and Arik Cannon. He later referred to the trio as "The Kings of Wrestling". Hero's faction feuded with Quackenbush's and his allies for the entirety of 2005. At the closing of the Chikara "season", Arik Cannon departed from the group, leaving Hero and Castagnoli as the remaining "Kings of Wrestling". At the opening of the 2006 Chikara "season", Hero and Castagnoli defeated Equinox and Hydra, Sumie Sakai and RANMARU, the North Star Express (Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin), Incoherence (Hallowicked and Delirious), and finally Team Dragondoor (Skayde and Milano Collection A.T.) to become the first Chikara Campeones de Parejas. On November 17, 2006 at the Chikara show Brick in Reading Pennsylvania, Hero and Castagnoli lost the Chikara tag titles to Team F.I.S.T (Icarus and Gran Akuma) in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Following the match, Hero and Team F.I.S.T turned on Castagnoli and engaged in a beat down. This was done due to Castagnoli signing a developmental deal with the World Wrestling Entertainment. Upon Chikara's season return in February, King of Trios, Hero was scheduled to be teaming with his Team F.I.S.T partners to enter the tournament. However, Hero was booked to make his Pro Wrestling Noah debut in Japan, so it was stated that F.I.S.T. did not want Hero on their team and instead went on to recruit Chuck Taylor as a new member of the Kings of Wrestling.
On the other hand, Chris Hero had his sights set on other things when he returned to Chikara in March 2007. After Claudio Castagnoli, who had been released by WWE prior to making his debut for them, successfully defeated numerous opponents, and seemed focused on getting his revenge on his former partner, Hero decided he wanted to win back the control of Castagnoli. At Chikara's April 'Rey De Voladores' tournament Chris Hero faced Claudio Castagnoli in a non-tournament match in which the winner would gain control of the loser. Mike Quackenbush was special referee for the contest. Chris Hero won the match, forcing Castagnoli back under the control of Hero. The following month Hero, Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney joined forces with Icarus, Gran Akuma and Chuck Taylor to re-form the Kings of Wrestling as a superstable. Hero faced "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush at Chikara's May 26 'Aniversario?' show in a match that was two years in the making. Quackenbush won the match with his new submission maneuver, the Chikara Special, a move that Lince Dorado, El Pantera, Equinox and Claudio Castagnoli all used to defeat Hero during the summer of 2007. Many suggested that Hero was affected by a curse and was unable to break the hold. Following another upset loss to Equinox, this time a tag match in Reading, Pennsylvania on November 16, 2007, Hero snapped and tore apart Equinox's mask. Leonard F. Chikarason intervened and scheduled Hero and Equinox for a Mascara contra Caballera (Mask vs. Hair) to take place the following evening in Hellertown, Pennsylvania. With moments remaining in the match, Equinox managed to apply the Chikara Special, only to have Hero counter out of it and lock on a Chikara Special of his own. Equinox tapped out and was forced to unmask. Hero pointed out, to the crowd, that the man behind the mask was Vin Gerard, a luchador impostor. Previously, Vin had attended the Chikara Wrestle Factory and trained under both Hero and Quackenbush. It was not until Gerard was unable to break through and gain bookings on Chikara shows that he decided to create a false identity in order to wrestle for Chikara.
In late 2007, Hero vacated his spot as a head trainer at the Chikara Wrestle Factory. His spot was assumed by his student and former partner, Claudio Castagnoli. On December 9, 2007, at Stephen Colbert > Bill O'Reilly Hero lost a feud ending match against Castagnoli and has not returned to the company since.

Combat Zone Wrestling (2002–2007, 2010)

In December 2002, Hero debuted in Combat Zone Wrestling, wrestling Ruckus in a match. He wrestled a second match later that year teaming with B-Boy against Nate Hatred and Nick Gage, in a match that ended in a debacle. Hero returned to CZW for a third time in the autumn of 2003, and this time he secured a regular place on the roster. Declaring himself the "Savior" of CZW, Hero defeated Jimmy Rave on May 1, 2004, to become the promotion's Ironman Champion. He became the longest reigning Ironman Champion before losing the title to B-Boy at the CZW year-end event, Cage of Death, on December 11, 2004. Hero recruited Claudio Castagnoli and Blackjack Marciano to be his "Few Good Men", but shortly thereafter, Marciano disappeared from wrestling altogether, leaving Hero and Castagnoli as a tag team, calling themselves the "Kings of Wrestling". On September 10, 2005, the duo defeated the Tough Crazy Bastards (Necro Butcher and Toby Klein) to become the CZW Tag Team Champions. Hero and Castagnoli held the titles and defended them in an ongoing feud with Eddie Kingston and the rest of the BLKOUT faction. While Hero and Castagnoli dropped the titles to Eddie Kingston and Joker in February 2006, the feud with BLKOUT continued.
On May 13, 2006, Chris Hero was scheduled to take part in the Best of the Best tournament. However, Hero gave his spot to the CZW World Heavyweight Champion, Ruckus, who promised him a title shot in return. When Ruckus won the Best of the Best tournament, Hero came out and immediately used his title shot to win the CZW World Heavyweight Championship. Hero successfully defended it against Claudio Castagnoli and Necro Butcher. At the Chri$ Ca$h Memorial Show, Eddie Kingston accepted an open challenge from Hero and pinned him to become the new CZW World Heavyweight Champion. On October 14, 2006, the Kings of Wrestling defeated Team Masturbation (Beef Wellington and Excalibur) in the first round, the BLKOUT (Ruckus and Human Tornado) in the second round, and the makeshift team of Justice Pain and the Human Tornado (subbing for Pain's partner in the H8 Club, Nick Gage, who left the building before the match) in a one night tournament at the CZW show "Last Team Standing" to become two-time CZW Tag Team Champions.
After news broke that Castagnoli would be leaving for the WWE, he and Hero dropped the CZW World Tag Team Titles to the BLKOUT of Sabian and Robbie Mireno on November 11, 2006. On Saturday April 7, 2007, at Out with the Old, in With the New show, Hero would face long time, heated rival Eddie Kingston in a match where the loser would be forced to leave Combat Zone Wrestling. Hero was defeated following a spinning back fist from Kingston and post match made a farewell speech to the CZW crowd. Following this CZW owner John Zandig came out and thanked Hero for all he had done for CZW, including the war with Ring of Honor.
More than three years later, on June 12, 2010, Hero made a return to CZW, in a losing effort against Egotistico Fantastico.

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (2003–2004)

Hero wrestled off and on for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling in 2003 and 2004.[28] He traveled alongside Nate Webb and Dave Prazak to Nashville, Tennessee on a weekly basis at the urging of Bill Behrens. Hero wrestled on several TNA Xplosion tapings. Although he never appeared on pay per view he is featured on card #22 of the Pacific released TNA trading card set.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (2004–present)

Chris Hero also wrestles for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, based in southern California. His first appearance was at the January 2004 Tango and Cash Invitational tournament to determine the first ever PWG Tag Team Champions. He and his partner CM Punk defeated The Messiah and Christopher Daniels in the first round, and the Thomaselli Brothers in the second round, but lost to B-Boy and Homicide in the third round. He made his next appearance eight months later in a losing effort against Super Dragon. At the 2005 All Star Weekend – Night One, Hero defeated Chris Sabin. Later in the night, Hero came out and challenged Christopher Daniels for his TNA X Division Championship. Daniels accepted and defeated Hero the next night. A few months later, however, at Zombies (Shouldn't Run), Daniels refused to put the title on the line against Hero and defeated him in a non title match. At After School Special, Hero became one of Joey Ryan's targets, so that Ryan could prove that he was the best technical wrestler; however, Hero seemed to be out-wrestling Ryan in the match, so Scott Lost came out and helped Ryan win. As a result of the interference, Hero had a match with Lost at the next show, and defeated him. On February 4, 2008, at Card Subject to Change 2, Hero teamed up with Claudio Castagnoli to challenge Super Dragon and Davey Richards for the tag team championship, but failed to win in a 50 minute match. Hero also competed in the 2006 Battle of Los Angeles, but lost to Genki Horiguchi in the first round. Hero appeared with regular tag team partner Claudio Castagnoli in PWG's DDT 4 Tag Team Title Tournament, but lost in the first round to the Briscoes. They were on the winning side of an 8 man tag on the second night of the weekend as they were joined by the Trailer Park Boyz (Josh Abercrombie and Nate Webb).
In September 2007 Hero entered a heated feud with The Human Tornado after saving Candice LeRae from her abusive pimp at the second night of the 2007 Battle of Los Angeles. The feud culminated on July 6, 2008, at Life During Wartime in a Guerrilla Warfare steel cage match, where Hero defeated Tornado to become the new PWG World Champion. Hero competed in the 2008 Battle of Los Angeles defeating Necro Butcher in the first round, Scott Lost in the second round, and Bryan Danielson in the semi-finals. In the finals of the tournament Hero was defeated by Low Ki, in a match with only the top rope attached, as the other ropes had been damaged in the previous match. Hero's title was not on the line, but Low Ki was named the number one contender to his title following the match. Ki ended up signing with the World Wrestling Entertainment and leaving PWG before he could challenge Hero for the title.
Hero went on to successfully defend the title in a 3-way against Human Tornado and the returning Colt Cabana on February 21, 2009, at Express Written Consent and on April 12 at One Hundred he defeated Cabana in a singles match. On May 22, 2009, at DDT4, Hero defeated Joey Ryan to retain the PWG title. After the match Ryan was holding the belt and offered Hero a handshake, but then out of nowhere he knocked him out with it and said "I got three more months bitch!" (referring to Ryan being the longest reigning PWG champ of all time) and left. On July 31 at Threemendous II Hero defeated Ryan in a Guerrilla Warfare match to ensure that on August 17 he became the longest reigning PWG Champion of all time. On September 4, 2009, at Guerre Sans Frontières Bryan Danielson defeated Hero to end his reign at 425 days.
Following the loss of his title, Hero decided to return to his roots in order to regain it, and defeated El Generico on October 2 at Against the Grain with a Hero's Welcome, instead of using his various elbow strikes. After Danielson was forced to vacate the World Title, due to signing with the World Wrestling Entertainment, the Title was put up for grabs at the 2009 Battle of Los Angeles, however, Hero opted not to enter the tournament in order to use his rematch clause in a one-on-one match against the new Champion. Hero finally received his rematch for the PWG World Championship on July 30, 2010, but was defeated by defending champion Davey Richards. On September 4 Hero entered the 2010 Battle of Los Angeles, defeating Christopher Daniels in his first round match. The following night Hero defeated Akira Tozawa and Brandon Gatson to make it to the finals, where he was defeated by Joey Ryan. After the tournament Hero was granted another shot at the PWG World Championship, when he and the three other Battle of Los Angeles semifinalists, Brandon Gatson, Claudio Castagnoli and Joey Ryan, were placed in a four–way match to determine a new champion, after Davey Richards had been stripped of the title. However, on October 9, 2010, at The Curse of Guerrilla Island, Hero's long time tag team partner Claudio Castagnoli defeated him for the PWG World Championship. At the following event on December 11, 2010, Hero and Castagnoli unsuccessfully challenged ¡Peligro Abejas! (El Generico and Paul London) for the PWG World Tag Team Championship. On March 4, 2011, Hero and Castagnoli entered the 2011 DDT 4 tournament, defeating the Cutler Brothers (Brandon and Dustin Cutler) in their first round match. However, in the semifinals of the tournament the Kings of Wrestling suffered an upset loss against the Nightmare Violence Connection (Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen), when Tozawa rolled Hero up for the win. On May 27, during the first night of All Star Weekend 8, Hero unsuccessfully challenged Castagnoli for the PWG World Championship. Hero received another shot at the PWG World Championship on July 23 at PWG's eighth anniversary show, but was again defeated by Castagnoli.

Ring of Honor (2006–present)

During a large portion of 2006, Hero feuded with the entire Ring of Honor promotion, which began when he issued a challenge to ROH at CZW's Cage of Death 7 in December 2005. Hero then challenged and lost a match for the ROH World Championship on January 14 at Hell Freezes Over to the champion, Bryan Danielson. He, along with Necro Butcher, had been attending various Ring of Honor events, which usually involved them getting kicked out after harassing of Ring of Honor wrestlers in the middle of a match. During the feud Hero portrayed a villain in ROH, while still a fan favorite in CZW. On February 25 Hero, Necro Butcher, and the CZW locker room invaded ROH's Fourth Anniversary Show, before being chased away by Samoa Joe and the ROH locker room. The feud came to a head on March 11, when both promotions were in the same place, to co-promote an evening during which ROH held Arena Warfare and CZW When 2 Worlds Collide. Although Hero was not in attendance at "Arena Warfare", CZW came out on top, after the CZW locker room took on Samoa Joe and B.J. Whitmer, after Joe and Whitmer had just had match. This resulted in an all out brawl between the Ring of Honor locker room and the Combat Zone locker room, and the Combat Zone roster proceeded to destroy the ring ROH had set up, and chase Ring of Honor out of "their house". Hero and Necro Butcher came to ROH's Best in the World event in New York on March 25 to answer a challenge made by Adam Pearce, but instead attacked him. Hero's long time tag partner and pupil Claudio Castagnoli turned on both Necro and Hero by saving Pearce. The next weekend, Hero and Necro again caused a disruption during the ROH shows. They attacked ROH Commissioner Jim Cornette as well as Whitmer and Pearce. They also finally got the attention of Joe, who personally declared war on CZW. On April 22, ROH's 100th show in Philadelphia featured a battle between Team ROH (Joe, Whitmer and Pearce) and Team CZW (Hero, Necro and Super Dragon). The team of Hero, Necro Butcher, and Super Dragon went on to win the ROH vs CZW main event, after Castagnoli revealed his allegiance to Hero and CZW by first attacking Samoa Joe and then helping Hero pin Pearce for the win. On July 15 at ROH's Death Before Dishonor IV Hero led Team CZW into the Cage of Death for a five-on-five main event against Team ROH. Hero had teased that he had made a deal with a mystery fifth man, who turned out to be Hero's hated rival Eddie Kingston. Although ROH's surprise fifth man Bryan Danielson turned on Samoa Joe in an effort to incapacitate Joe before their title match, Team ROH finally put CZW away when Homicide arrived in the Cage and pinned Nate Webb for the win. The following day on their Newswire, ROH stated that the war with CZW was over, thanks to Homicide.
Despite being forced out of ROH, Hero invaded the promotion's first two shows in the United Kingdom in August and was defeated by Colt Cabana in a singles match and Cabana, Nigel McGuinness and Robbie Brookside in a six man tag team match where he teamed with Castagnoli and Chad Collyer. In August 2006, the Ring of Honor Tag Team Title belts were stolen from champions Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. Hero revealed on his LiveJournal that he and Castagnoli were the culprits and would be challenging for the titles on September 16. They defeated Aries and Strong at Glory By Honor V Night 2 to become the Ring of Honor tag team champions. ROH then announced that by winning the belts, Hero had been made a full time ROH wrestler. After it was announced that Castagnoli had signed a developmental deal with the WWE, the Kings of Wrestling lost the belts to Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal on November 25 at Dethroned.
On December 22 at International Challenge Larry Sweeney made his ROH debut and assisted Hero and Castagnoli defeat the Briscoe Brothers. The following night in Manhattan at Final Battle 2006 the Kings of Wrestling had their final match together when they, with Larry Sweeney in their corner, were defeated by the Briscoe Brothers in a rematch. After the match, Castagnoli announced that he was no longer going to World Wrestling Entertainment, and would remain in ROH as one half of the Kings of Wrestling. Sweeney then said he and Chris Hero had big plans for 2007, but Castagnoli was not included in them. Then, when Hero was forced to choose between staying with Castagnoli or going with Sweeney, he shook Castagnoli's hand but left with Sweeney.
Hero has since found relative success in singles competition, with notable feuds including Nigel McGuinness and the Briscoe Brothers. Hero was described by Sweeney as "the best athlete in Ring of Honor today", and was the most high-profile member of Sweet 'N' Sour Incorporated, Sweeney's stable that included Hero, Tank Toland, Bobby Dempsey and Sara Del Rey, with whom he held the unofficial Intergender World Tag Team Championship. He had challenged for the ROH World Title in a losing effort against then champion Homicide, and briefly reformed the Kings of Wrestling in another losing attempt at winning the ROH World Tag Team Championship.
At Survival of the Fittest 2007, Hero single handedly eliminated Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Rocky Romero and Human Tornado to win the Survival of the Fittest tournament. As his prize, Hero was granted a shot at the ROH Heavyweight Championship at a time of his choosing. He chose to challenge the reigning champion, Nigel McGuinness, at Glory by Honor VI: Night One. Despite a badly torn biceps sustained a week prior, McGuinness accepted the challenge. Hero managed to force McGuinness to tap out, but the match was restarted after the referee noticed that McGuinness had reached the ropes. After the restart McGuinness made Hero tap out and retained his title in controversial fashion. On June 27, 2008, Hero pinned FIP World Champion Roderick Strong in a non-title bout with an assist from Sweeney. On June 28, 2008, Hero's winning streak continued when he defeated Pelle Primeau in a Light's Out Match with an assist from Larry Sweeney and Sara Del Rey, despite interference from former Sweet N'Sour Inc. team mate and later turn coat Brent Albright. On July 26, 2008, Hero and fellow Sweet N'Sour Inc. team mate Go Shiozaki were defeated by Roderick Strong and Naomichi Marufuji when Strong pinned Hero with a big boot/cradle backbreaker combination. During late 2008 Hero began wearing a more traditional wrestling attire and adopted a new finishing maneuver in the Rolling Elbow, while being dubbed "That Young Knockout Kid" by his manager Larry Sweeney, who ended up leaving the company in April 2009. On May 8, 2009, Hero was defeated by the ROH World Champion Jerry Lynn in a match for the title. On July 25, 2009, in Toronto, Canada, Hero scored what could be considered the biggest win of his career when he pinned Lance Storm in a grudge match that was one year in the making. During much of 2009, Hero rekindled an old feud with Eddie Kingston, whom he defeated in a singles match on September 26 at Glory By Honor VIII: The Final Countdown. On December 19, 2009, at Final Battle 2009, ROH's first live pay-per-view, Kingston defeated Hero in a "Fight Without Honor". Later in the evening, after the Briscoe Brothers had defeated Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards for the ROH World Tag Team Titles, Hero reunited with his Kings of Wrestling partner Claudio Castagnoli and together they attacked the new champions and then posed with their Tag Team Titles. The two would adopt Shane Hagadorn as their manager and Sara Del Rey as an associate. On April 3, 2010, at The Big Bang! Hero and Castagnoli defeated the Briscoes to win the ROH World Tag Team Championship for the second time. At the following pay-per-view, Death Before Dishonor VIII, on June 19 Hero and Castagnoli successfully defended their titles against the Briscoes in a No Disqualification match. In July Ring of Honor announced the return of Tag Wars, where twelve tag teams would compete in three blocks to determine, which three would get to challenge the Kings of Wrestling in the final Ultimate Endurance match. On August 28 the Kings of Wrestling defeated The Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis and Kory Chavis), The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus) and the Briscoes in the Ultimate Endurance match to win the 2010 Tag Wars and retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship. On September 2 it was announced that Hero had signed a contract extension with Ring of Honor. At the following pay–per–view, Glory By Honor IX on September 11, the Kings of Wrestling picked up a major victory by defeating Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) in a non–title match. On December 18 at Final Battle 2010 the Kings of Wrestling ended their feud with the Briscoe Brothers in a six man tag team match, where Jay, Mark and their father Mike defeated Hero, Castagnoli and Shane Hagadorn. On January 4, 2011, Hero and Castagnoli became the longest reigning ROH World Tag Team Champions by breaking the previous record of 275 days, set by the Briscoe Brothers. On February 26 at 9th Anniversary Show, Hero and Castagnoli successfully defended the ROH World Tag Team Championship against The All Night Express. On April 1 at Honor Takes Center Stage, the Kings of Wrestling lost the ROH World Tag Team Championship to Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, ending their reign at 363 days. On May 7 at Revolution Canada Hero unsuccesfully challenged ROH World Champion Eddie Edwards for his title, losing to him via referee stoppage.

International circuit

Chris has become a regular for several European wrestling promotions, most notable being the westside Xtreme wrestling (wXw) federation based in Essen, Germany. He has wrestled in sixteen different countries across the world: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, and of course the United States.
In April 2007, Chris Hero competed in the first King of Europe Cup, as the representative of CZW. He defeated Claudio Castagnoli in the first round before being defeated by Doug Williams in the quarterfinals. On May 6, 2007, Hero won wXw's prestigious international competition event, the "16 Carat Gold Tournament", defeating Ares in the finals.
Hero also returned to Australia to wrestle for the PWA Queensland promotion, competing in their annual "Rise of the Warriors" tournament, in which he also competed in 2007. Hero made it all the way to the final of the tournament, which lasted two nights, losing to PWA Queensland regular, Esteban Molina. Along the way, he defeated Mason Childs, whom he lost to in the final of the 2007 tournament, Mark Davis, and Blakestone to get to the finals. The previous year, he defeated Kyote, Damian Slater, and Ryan Eagles to advance to the finals.
In January 2009, Hero returned to Japan for Pro Wrestling Noah. He came to an agreement with the Noah front office and was granted a stay at the dojo after the tour. He trained alongside Richie Steamboat and made his way back to the U.S. after five weeks abroad. Hero returned to Noah for the June 2009 tour and stayed, once again, at the dojo. In January 2010 Hero and Claudio Castagnoli entered the Global Tag League, but ended up losing all three of their matches. Hero and Castagnoli returned to Noah on November 19, 2010, for a three week long tour. The team went undefeated in tag team matches, before being defeated on December 5, the final day of the tour, by Takuma Sano and Yoshihiro Takayama in a match for the GHC Tag Team Championship. The Kings of Wrestling returned to Noah in April 2011 to take part in the 2011 Global Tag League, where they managed to win two out of their seven round robin matches, finishing seventh out of eight teams in the block.

Other promotions

Chris Hero also wrestled for Juggalo Championshit Wrestling (JCW) and was featured on JCW Volume 2, losing to Hyzaya, while using a gimmick of an anti-hero with a Superman shirt with an X over Superman's traditional logo. In November 2006, he wrestled Josh Daniels in the main event of MXW Pro Wrestling's Capital Collision in Albany, New York. On March 13, 2010, Hero made his debut for Evolve Wrestling at Evolve 2: Hero vs Hidaka, losing to Ikuto Hidaka in the main event of the evening.

Personal life

Spradlin appeared on Australian program Border Security: Australia's Front Line, a weekly television documentary program that details real and potential immigration and custom infringements at airports and seaports across Australia. On December 18, 2008, Spradlin had entered Australia under a tourist visa, which does not permit participating in paid or unpaid performances, even though he was planning to perform, defending his PWG World Championship in the PWA Queensland wrestling show the next day. Spradlin cooperated with the immigration officials and after four hours was permitted to leave the airport and enter the country after the event organiser agreed to sponsor him on an entertainment visa, which was approved by immigration.
Spradlin also appeared in a music video for the song "The Ballad of Bruce Moose" by Indie band Born Ruffians. The video features Hero performing his signature moves the rolling elbow and moonsault in slow motion.

In Wrestling

»Finishing moves

*Cyclone Kill (Rolling big boot)
*Hangman's Clutch (Stepover toehold inverted cravate)
*Hangman's Clutch II (Arm trap inverted cravate)
*Hangman's Clutch III (Inverted cravate / Standing leg grapevine combination)
*Hangman's Clutch Facebuster (Cravate twisted into a sitout facebuster)
*Hero's Welcome Championship Edition (Wrist–lock scoop lift dropped into a sitout scoop slam piledriver)
Multiple cutter variations:
*Death is Welcome (Lifting inverted swinging)
*Hero's Welcome (Inverted swinging, sometimes while applying a hammerlock)
*Super Hero's Welcome (Jumping inverted swinging)
Multiple elbow smash variations
*Cerebral Cortex Rolling Elbow / Death Blow / Hangman's Elbow (Discus to the back of the head)
*Rip Cord Rolling Elbow (Wrist–lock transitioned into a discus)
*Rolling Elbow (Discus, sometimes with a loaded elbow pad)
*Rivera Cloverleaf – innovated; named in tribute to his trainer Jorge "Skayde" Rivera
*Rubik's Cube (Electric chair driver)
*Stretch Plum Alpha (Stretch plum)

»Signature Moves

*Backward roll into a corkscrew senton
*Cravate Buster (Three–quarter facelock corkscrew neckbreaker)
*Cravate Countdown (Standing three–quarter facelock dropped into a sitout position)
*Cravate Cutter (Diving front flip three–quarter facelock bulldog)
*Cravate–O–Clasm (Three–quarter facelock iconoclasm)
*Double leg slam
*Elbow smash
*Hero DDT (Spinning lifting DDT)
*Hero Sandwich (Swinging side slam backbreaker)
*Hero Sandwich II (Swinging side slam backbreaker, while applying a hammerlock)
*Hero Sidekick (Running arched big boot to a cornered opponent)
*Hero Stomp (Diving double foot stomp, sometimes while springboarding)
*Indian deathlock piledriver
*Johnny Saint special
*Jumping senton, sometimes preceded by doing a somersault
*Moonsault, sometimes while standing
*Multiple forearm smashes
Multiple suplex variations
*Crash Landing (Rolling release)
*Cravate – innovated
*Russ Abbot (Hero performs a leapfrog, crawls between opponent's legs, rolls over the opponent and performs a schoolboy)
*Standing double foot stomp, sometimes followed by a standing senton
*Tracy Smothers (Rapid double palm strikes to the chest of an opponent in the corner)
*Topé con Hero (Somersault topé through the second and top ropes)


*The Mack Daddy of the Cravate
*"The (self–proclaimed) Savior of CZW"
*That Young Knockout Kid


*Dave Prazak
*Nadia Nyce
*Jim Fannin
*Larry Sweeney
*Sara Del Rey
*Shane Hagadorn
*Candice LeRae

»Entrance themes

"A Certain Shade of Green" by Incubus
"Dead and Bloated" by Stone Temple Pilots
"Holding Out For A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler
"My Hero" by Foo Fighters
"It's A Bird, It's A Plane" by Ralph Cardall
"Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down
"Nobody's Real" by Powerman 5000
"Smack My Bitch Up" by The Prodigy
"Blind" by Korn
"Double Dutch Bus" by Frankie Smith
"Everyday I Love You Less and Less" by Kaiser Chiefs
"Don't You Want Me" by The Human League
"Requiem for a Tower (with Holding Out For A Hero intro)" by Clint Mansell
"Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top
"Chris is Awesome!" by Viro the Virus
"We Are the Champions" by Queen
"KoW (Kings)" by Cody B. Ware, Emilio Sparks and J. Glaze

»Wrestlers trained by Hero

*Absolute Andy
*Adam Polak
*Andres Diamond
*Andrew Patterson
*Andy Sumner
*Big Sick Ben
*Chris Bernardi
*Black Jack Marciano
*Bryce Remsburg
*Chris Kole
*Claudio Castagnoli
*Danny Havoc
*Dragon Dragon
*Drake Younger
*Drew Gulak
*Eddie Kingston
*Emil Sitoci
*Fire Ant
*Gran Akuma
*Guy Alexander
*JC Bailey
*Lance Steel
*Larry Sweeney
*Lince Dorado
*Marc Roudin
*Marty Fabz
*Mickie Knuckles
*Nadia Nyce
*Orange Cassidy
*Retail Dragon
*Shane Storm
*Soldier Ant
*Tassilo Jung
*Terry Daniels
*Tim Donst
*Tommy End
*Tommy Thompson
*Trik Davis
*UltraMantis Black
*Vin Gerard
*Vries Kastelein
*Wesley Croton
*Worker Ant

Championships and accomplishments

»Alternative Championship Wrestling

*ACW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


*Chikara Campeonatos de Parejas (1 time) – with Claudio Castagnoli
*Tag World Grand Prix (2006) – with Claudio Castagnoli

»Combat Zone Wrestling

*CZW Iron Man Championship (1 time)
*CZW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
*CZW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Claudio Castagnoli
*Last Team Standing (2006) – with Claudio Castagnoli

»Coliseum Championship Wrestling

*CCW Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
*CCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with John Caesar

»Garage Professional Wrestling

*GPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

»Hard Core Wrestling

*HCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Danny Blackheart

»Impact Championship Wrestling

*ICW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

»Independent Wrestling Association East Coast

*IWA East Coast Heavyweight Championship (2 times, current)

»Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South

*IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
*Strong Style Tournament (2005)
*Sweet Science Sixteen (2000)

»Juggalo Championship Wrestling

*JCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Claudio Castagnoli

»NWA West Virginia / Ohio

*NWA WV/OH Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

»Northern States Wrestling Alliance

*NSWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

»Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

*PWG World Championship (1 time)

»Pro Wrestling Illustrated

*PWI ranked him #49 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the world in the PWI 500 in 2007

»Ring of Honor

*Undisputed Intergender Heavyweight Tag Team Championship of the World (1 time) – with Sara Del Rey
*ROH World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Claudio Castagnoli
*Survival of the Fittest (2007)
*Tag Wars (2010) – with Claudio Castagnoli


*Match of the Year (2008) vs. Low Ki at PWG 2008 Battle of Los Angeles – Stage Two, November 2, 2008
*Match of the Year (2009) vs. Bryan Danielson at PWG Guerre Sans Frontières, September 4, 2009

»Unified Championship Wrestling

*UCW Television Championship (1 time)

»Violent Championship Wrestling

*VCW Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Porno the Clown
*VCW Triple Threat Championship (2 times)

»westside Xtreme wrestling

*wXw World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
*wXw Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Marc Roudin
*16 Carat Gold Tournament (2007)

»Wrestling Observer Newsletter

*Tag Team of the Year (2010) with Claudio Castagnoli

»Xtreme Intense Championship Wrestling

*XICW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

»Other achievements

*Jeff Peterson Cup (2007)

Alabama Slam + Double Foot Stomp into Jumping Senton

Arm Breaker with Head + Arm Suplex

Arm Drag + Rolling Back Pin

Arm Trap Mat Slam + Headbutt to Stomach + Stomp x3 + Chop x2

Contrato reciclado una ves más e.e
CAT_IMG Posted: 19/9/2011, 09:04     2nd Match: The Miz vs Chris Hero - WWE RAW [IRP]



» Bobby Cruise: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Following contest is a Single Match, Introducing First, Making his way to the ring, From Metrópolis, Weighting 225 Pounds and Height 6,5 Foots, "That Young Knockout Kid" ¡¡¡Chris... Heeeeeeero!!!


De repente la arena apaga todas sus luces y empieza a sonar el tema de Chris Hero, solo se vislumbra el logo de WWE[IRP], pero la cámara se torna hasta la rampa de entradas,donde ahí solo una luz verde por donde salen los luchadores de la marca roja, RAW. Se va acercando lentamente, mientras que la música dice "Hero, Hero" finalmente se escucha Chris is Awesome, y justamente el oriundo de Ohio sale de entre las tinieblas, Christopher avanza un poco en la rampa con su sudadera blanca.


Se baja el gorro y gira como aplicando un Rolling Elbow al aire, mientras les muestra el codo a todos como su taunt, Hero avanza más rápido por la rampa mientras observa a todos a su alrededor, se sube hasta el filo del ring, brinca hasta el esquinero con una pirueta se baja del mismo, se quita la sudadera, se sube a un esquinero, los observa una vez más, se baja y va a otro esquinero, hace su taunt una vez más, se baja y se sube una vez más a otro y se detiene su música y Titantron para continuar con esto.


191 replies since 3/6/2010